Probably the best Half Court i have ever seen, Subway time, and the photographer being photographed. I'm off back to UK tomorrow to sort out my wrist as insurance wouldn't cover me for it over here... il probs take some photos when i go london and il keep you updated.
Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight
Posted by whittle1 at 19:37Probably the best Half Court i have ever seen, Subway time, and the photographer being photographed. I'm off back to UK tomorrow to sort out my wrist as insurance wouldn't cover me for it over here... il probs take some photos when i go london and il keep you updated.
Today was a good day...
Posted by C at 18:43X Games Final Day
Posted by whittle1 at 14:35The last day had arrived, way to soon!!but it was a sick day, we chilled in the morning for a while then hit the shopping again, then headed up to the hill for the final day of the games and the finals of the Pipe! was quality in the suite, was well busy and was a sick spread with the worlds nicest ribs!! hickory horse ribs! Travis Rice was in there, he was sound, chatted to him for a while... then after Shaun White took the title, we headed off to the Monster House. a $12 million dollar mantion, for a party. Was such a sick experience, DJs killing it and jus loads of people there... danny davies, kevin pearce, mason aguirre, mikkel bang, simon dumont, tanner hall and the rest... That was a late 1, the following day, our flight was out of there, a bit delayed but no bother... flew on some sick prop plane, felt like we were getting thrown accross the sky, it was hella' bumpy!! said the goodbyes to elle, then it was back to Reno. Was such a amazing trip, met some sound people, did some quality things and Monster fully sorted us out!! my new favorite energy drink for sure!!
X Games Day 3
Posted by whittle1 at 14:42Here we are day 3, turns out we couldnt go to the monster party, so monster sorted out a lunch for the under 21's to chill with Danny Kass. I got to sit next to him, and he was a sound guy, but kept stealing my tortillas haha... After that we went to the X games, and watched the super pipe elimination. They were all pretty sick, but Shaun White and Andy Finch were getting 20 feet out the pipe. Ended up drinking alot of Monster, and the buffet spread was class. The suite was pretty busy, we met Dingo. We then headed to the steak house, for some expensive prime beef. All in all a sick day. Didn't get many photos though. Its the final day of the games today, and then were heading to the monster party.
X-Games Day 2
Posted by whittle1 at 10:48so yesterday was sick, chilled in the morning, spent some of the cash monster kindly gave us. got some new kicks and a tee and elle treated herself too...
went to the orthopedic and he said i probably need pins so i have to arrange that operation for when i get to tahoe. then we headed to the xgames, it was sick, snowed all day and the double back flip was on!! he chucked it but landed long and bounced off, but those guys are crazy and anaged to get some crazy superman shot. got bak and headed up to the monster house which was sick, some whole pad for monster parties, free slippers on the door ha. today were meeting danny kass for lunch and chillin, the slopestyle finals are on so gonna check tht out. then its the main party so mite try and sly in, but there pretty tight on the under 21s for this one. il let u know how it goes... Peace
X Games - Day 1.... Assspennn
Posted by whittle1 at 07:44so, i met elle at denver, she got there without getting lost... we arrived here on wednesday night, took a small flight from denver that only took 20mins. when we arrived there was some guy holding a big monster sign for the winners, so we followed him, got in this crazy minibus with rims, TV, the lot. headed to asssspennnn. and monster took us out for this amazing meal!! $300 bottles of wines, lobster, filet mignon.... BEER. the lot. it seemed that because we were with monster it didnt matter how old we were!! so woke up yesterday, cruised round assspennn and then went to watch the 1st day of the games!! it was quality, we had our own private suite, raised, heated, free food and drink all day, again, drink what you want, it had the sickest view, at th bottom of the pipe, but the slopestyle and big air were right infront too!... so we got to watch the sickest riders and skiers throw down. heres some photos from the day, and today some guy is gonna do a double back flip on a snowmobile!! REDIK. il update you on how that goes. Laters
Shit sucks
Posted by C at 19:41Today sucked, whittle fell hard spinning a 3 off of the 2nd kicker. He went massive and overshot the landing, stacking hard. A trip down the hill in a stretcher and a couple of hours later, we found out for certain that he has broken his wrist. Shit sucks so bad, we are all bummed. He has taken it pretty good. The photos show his wrist being "set". Was pretty nasty. Fingers crossed he can ride again in about 4/5 weeks. Hes goin Aspen tomo to watch the Xgames so expect some sick photos from there. Laters
Better Thinking
Posted by J at 18:34

As I left the cable to connect my camera to my laptop at home, i hav'nt had any way to get my photos on the blog. Whittle bought a digital slr the other day and today I realised that I could put my memory card into his camera and then use his cable which didnt fit my camera, to upload the photos. So heres a few of the best taken in the last week. enjoy...

Blackout day
Posted by C at 15:47Random Photos
Posted by C at 16:56Amazing evening.
Posted by C at 18:33

We went down to the lake for the evening, got a ride down there from some sound guy. Got down there to see the craziest sunset ive ever seen. Was actually nuts! loads of people on the shore chillin an watchin it. Then went and sessioned subway and taco bell. Got another ride back off some women, was a sick evening and day! peace.
One Hot Day
Posted by whittle1 at 13:43
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