So, i had a really good time in England, got to chill with people iv not seen in a while, mainly elle, which was quality. headed to London for a day, cruised around and generally chilled. Valentines day etc... Was all good! My flight back here was so sick, i was checking in and because of my ir mile situation, it was only an extra $100 to upgrade to business class! so went for it! was so sick, chilled in the lounge to begin, treated like royalty all the way, a few glasses of wine, champers and beer later, i arrived in San Fran and checked into the Red Carpet club there, which was sick, more free food and drink! Flew over the Golden Gate bridge and downtown Frisco. Been lucky with my flight routes! finally arrived in Reno, headed back up the hill to Tahoe, just as the sun was setting. good timing! been taking it easy on the snowboard, just cruising around. barely doing much but is fun. now were looking forward to riding the kicker line, footage will follow... watch this space.